real estate
is a boutique brokerage with high hopes in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We aim to add a little texture and color to the place we hang our hat - by scouting spaces for creative people to do what they love, make an impact and enliven our community.
What *is* Real Estate?
What *is* Real Estate?
we thought you would never ask.
We represent you as the buyer or seller in a real estate transaction. We can prepare your site to be presented to the most likely buyers.
Asset Leasing
Building still empty? We can help you find the perfect tenant for your space, depending on your needs and the ACtion happening in the buildings around you.
Acquisitions + Assemblages
We collect off-market sites to provide people with big dreams. We can also chase specific sites according to THE needs and goals of YOUR project.
Advisory Services
If you have no idea how to leverage your assets or how to find properties worth chasing, we listen first, then provide tangible options for the next right thing.
Tenant Representation
We help small business owners navigate SITE OPTIONS. We come alongside to negotiate the lease Terms AND Provide Support Until Your doors are OPen.
Off-the-wall Deals
We don’t know. Maybe you want to develop your backyard. Maybe you and your friends want to throw down on a neighborhood restaurant. We’re in. Let’s go.
• Conscious developers large and small
• Small business owners looking to OWN, grow or SHRINK
• People that own real estate but don’t know how to steward it
• The Daydream Believers. ThE PLACE MAKERS. The Hustlers. The Little Guys. The Wild Flowers.
• The people who were told not to. The people who were told they can't. The people looking to make an impact where they live.
• Non-profits, thrift stores, offices, shops, apartments, restaurants
• If there is real estate involved, So are we
We believe that real estate is more than just property.
WE BELieVE in the people who hang their hat here.
WE BeLieve our kids Will inherit our efforts.
We believe in knowing our barista’s name.
We believe in riding our bikes to work.
We believe IN front porches.
We believe in community.
We Could BORE YOU with LONG SENTENCES about ourselves, but When you take all the words necessary to make sense of our lives and boil them down into a nice, thick roux, we’re just two good-hearted real estate nerds committed to bringing out the best in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Our Combined backgrounds range wildly from Historical preservation Carpentry, Restaurant ownership, and Professional tennis to INSTITUTIONAL brokerage, DEVELOPMENT, FINANCE and Fatherhood. WE Go with our GuT, AND we GO all in. and if you’re still reading this, we know you do too.